*Green Construction Management Approach

including legislative and regulatory conformance, supply chain management and hygiene control…etc.

Prevent ozone depletion

Example of applications:

Low cost applications:

  • Use of air conditioners with low to zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) refrigerants
  • Avoidance of equipment with ozone depleting substances that are subject to licensing control by the Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance
  • Restriction of use of materials with ozone depleting substances for thermal insulation and fire retardation, e.g. roof construction, walls, chilled water pipes, refrigerant pipes, ductwork

Sustainability KPI:

  • Ratio of air-conditioners with low or zero ODP refrigerants. e.g. number of air-conditioners with low or zero ODP refrigerants/total air-conditioners used at the production/construction site(s) (%)
  • Monitor refrigerant consumption (kg)


Contribute to BEAM Plus, Public Works [mandatory]
Action Party Developers, Contractors, Suppliers
Implementation Level Fundamental
Project Type Civil, Building